How To Set Background Color In Dev C++
Posted : admin On 03.01.2021The BackColor property does not support transparent colors unless the SupportsTransparentBackColor value of System.Windows.Forms.ControlStyles is set to true. The BackColor property is an ambient property. An ambient property is a control property that, if not set, is retrieved from the parent control.
- The winbgim version allows the color argument to be an ordinary BGI color (from 0 to 15) or an RGB color. Also, only future drawing will use the new background color (anything currently drawn in the old background color will stay in the old color). Calling setbkcolor(0) will change the background color to the current color at index 0 of the.
- Sep 15, 2012 Coloured letters in output. There are a number of posts on this forum if you need more details. 'Change color of selected text'. For example, if you had configured your console to use a background color other than black, then setting just the foreground color to blue would lose the background color.
A static control, or an edit control that is read-only or disabled, sends the WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC message to its parent window when the control is about to be drawn. By responding to this message, the parent window can use the specified device context handle to set the text and background colors of the static control. WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC hdcStatic = (HDC) wParam; // handle to display context hwndStatic = (HWND) lParam; // handle to static control Parameters hdcStatic Value of wParam. Handle to the device context for the static control window. hwndStatic Value of lParam. Handle to the static control. |
You need to handle the WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC message. In doing that you create an HBRUSH of the color you want to color the background of the control. That HBRUSH gets returned by the Window Procedure. As Windows messages go, its a bit unusual. That's why I said its a bit tricky and involved. -->
Property Value
Set Background Color Java
A value that specifies the background color of the console; that is, the color that appears behind each character. The default is black.
The color specified in a set operation is not a valid member of ConsoleColor.
The user does not have permission to perform this action.
An I/O error occurred.
How To Set Background Color In Dev C Download
The following example saves the values of the ConsoleColor enumeration to an array and stores the current values of the BackgroundColor and ForegroundColor properties to variables. It then changes the foreground color to each color in the ConsoleColor enumeration except to the color that matches the current background, and it changes the background color to each color in the ConsoleColor enumeration except to the color that matches the current foreground. (If the foreground color is the same as the background color, the text isn't visible.) Finally, it calls the ResetColor method to restore the original console colors.
How To Change The Background Color Of Output Screen In Dev C++
A change to the BackgroundColor property affects only output that is written to individual character cells after the background color is changed. To change the background color of the console window as a whole, set the BackgroundColor property and call the Clear method. The following example provides an illustration.
A get operation for a Windows-based application, in which a console does not exist, returns ConsoleColor.Black.